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  • 1 to 1 Teaching Assistant Vacancy

    Fri 15 Dec 2017 Fleur

    We have a vacancy for a 1to1 Teaching Assistant.


    Please find details in our Job Vacancies section.

  • School Open - Wednesday 13th December

    Tue 12 Dec 2017 Fleur

    Dear parents, 


    I can confirm that the school will be open tomorrow.


    Please can all children arrive in suitable footwear i.e wellies and have their shoe shoes with them to change into. I would also ask that you consider parking away from School Lane if the conditions have not vastly improved, as the road may still be hazardous.


    I am looking forward to welcoming all the children back to school in the morning.


    Kind regards,


    Ricky Emms

    Head Teacher

  • School Closure - Tuesday 12th December

    Mon 11 Dec 2017 Fleur

    Dear parents,


    I have been up to the school this afternoon and following discussions with staff and Governors I have had to make the difficult decision to keep the school closed tomorrow. I appreciate that the main roads in the local area are well gritted and clear, but the roads near the school are very hazardous and the school site itself is under a significant amount of snow. Approaching the school site, I almost lost control of my car and I had to help a lady whose car was stuck in the snow. I have also taken a walk around all of the routes that are used to come into school. The paths are extremely icy and will only become worse with the forecast -6 degrees tonight and the route through the churchyard is potentially dangerous due to a fallen tree.


    As I stated on Sunday the safety of our pupils, teachers and parents is my paramount concern and I cannot guarantee our normal levels of safety at the school.


    I hope that by making this decision early it will allow you to make alternative plans and reduce the inconvenience.


    I will continue to provide updates regarding the situation for Wednesday, although I anticipate we will be able to open as the forecast shows a warming of the temperature to a balmy 1 degree with rain, which may clear the snow.


    Kind regards,


    Ricky Emms

    Head Teacher

  • School Closure - Monday 11th December

    Sun 10 Dec 2017 Fleur

    Dear parents, 


    Due to the significant snowfall and forecast sub-zero temperatures; I have spoken with other local head teachers and made the decision to close the school on Monday 11th December. This is not an easy decision to make, however the safety of our pupils, teachers and parents is my paramount concern and the road conditions are poor.


    I hope that by making this decision early it will allow you to make alternative plans and reduce the inconvenience. 


    I will continue to provide updates regarding the situation for Tuesday.


    Kind regards,


    Ricky Emms

    Head Teacher