As a community-based preschool, we welcome children and families from all sections of the community and our local area.
We aim to admit all children of Pre-school age with regard to the following:
- Accept children from the term in which they turn 3, subject to places being available.
- If more requests for places are received than there are places available, places will be allocated in the following order:
- children who at the time of admission are in the care of the local authority
- age at the time of admission
- date placed on the waiting list.
We will:
- Send offer email to parents from which they must reply to accept the place.
- Invite parents and children for settling in sessions in the weeks prior to planned admission.
- Supply parents with essential information through the parent handbook.
- Send to parents before the start date compulsory registration forms including medical forms, contracts, consents, consent for observations, and starters background information which must be completed and returned prior to admission. Offer assistance if required.
- Support parents in encouraging independence with their child, all children will be allocated a key person on admission and ensure ratios are maintained in accordance with Ofsted guidelines.
- Parents are invited to be involved with the settling in process.
- Ensure a register is maintained and kept in accordance with Ofsted, with appropriate information on emergency contact numbers and fees paid.
- Administer payment of fees and Government funding arrangements. We agree to have our financial details audited annually in compliance with Companies House guidance, and our Nursery Funding monitored by Warwickshire Local Authority.