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School Council

2024/2025 School Council


StarlingsArthur DHugo S
KingfishersBode PAmy C
OwlsFreya VPippa H


The School Council meets every month, but the representatives are all happy to meet more frequently if there are important issues to discuss.  Two children from each class are elected by their peers to represent their year on the Council.  The class have to carefully consider which person they think has the right skills and commitment for the job before they elect them.  All of the school councillors are very proud of their school and are keen to take action to make sure that pupil voice is heard. 


Essentially, each child at The Priors School is member of the School Council.  Through the representatives we can hear what all children think and respond to ideas, thoughts or worries from across the whole school.


School councillors take whole school issues and ideas from their own class councils and feed them into the School Council. They also share ideas and decisions from School Council with their class. Decisions made within School Council can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school.


It is a caring, responsive space where the children can voice their opinions and they can say what they want and hope for within their school.  It is a privilege for the Student Council to represent their peers and they are working together to ensure that all representatives and children in school feel listened to.


The School Council will also be supporting charities, this year we will be supporting Children in Need in November and Red Nose Day in March.  More details of what we plan to do will be shared with you nearer to the time.  The School Council also have lots of great ideas that we will be exploring which we will also share with you.


Tuck shop – Mrs Hugo and the School Council will provide tuck shop on most Friday mornings.  We would like the School Council to take this on as one of their key roles.  This year we will be supporting the children in stock taking, re-ordering and running the tuck shop not just serving the snacks!




This year School Council has focused on making playtime more fun for the children.


They have made a successful bid and presentation to the ‘Priors Education Trust’ to fund benches for the new playground quiet area.

They secured funding for new balls, rackets, skipping ropes and stilts. Everybody gets a turn playing with the equipment. School Council have made a rota for each day where each year gets to play with the equipment using it for football, tennis and skipping games.

With some help from a teacher, they have supplied the children with some boxes to collect bugs. To help to scoop them up, they can use spoons and paint brushes. The School Council has also provided information sheets to identify the bugs.