Sports funding is being provided by government in recent years to all primary schools to spend specifically on improving the quality of sport and P.E for all their pupils. Funding is calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as recorded in the annual schools census in January.
Aims of the Action Plan
1. To develop the competence, creativity, performance and healthy lifestyle of all the children in our school.
2. To ensure that all staff have high quality professional competence throughout all areas of the PE curriculum.
3. To offer a broad curriculum that inspires the children to participate in a wide range of physical activities.
4. To develop sustainable and effective school to school support through the local cluster of primary schools.
5. To give the children the confidence to compete against other schools.
6. To create an appropriate and challenging environment that will enable every child to fulfil their potential.
7. To make links with local sports clubs and the community to increase participation outside school.
8. To raise the profile of PE throughout the school.
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