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Week 7


We finished our topic learning this week on the English Civil War. We used sources to make inferences about how the war ended and then acted out the demise of King Charles I. 


Week 6


We have had a wonderful week this week in Kingfisher's class. We learnt more about the Battle of Edgehill and used primary sources to help us infer information about the battle. We also looked at quotes from different people and had to work out how reliable we thought their information was. We learnt about bias and how that can affect a sources reliability.


We also had Parents’ Evening this week. It was lovely to share all of our hard work with our families - I think they were all very impressed!

Week 5


Kingfishers have had a very busy week. We have finished our amazing adventure stories, investigated how sound waves can be directed and learnt how to use roman numerals.


During our guided reading sessions, we delved into one of the character's brains from our class book 'The Wizards of Once'. We thought about what the character might be thinking at this point in the story and then created a 'thought alley' for our character to walk down and hear all of his thoughts.

Week 4


During our guided reading lessons this week, we looked at an article all about British Sign Language. We had to use our inference skills to answer questions about the article, and we discussed why facial expressions and moving your mouth is an important part of sign language. After that, we had a go at learning some British Sign Language and joined in with the signed version of one of our favourite songs, 'Sing'.

Week 3


We had the most amazing guided reading lesson this week. We focussed on developing our oracy skills and had a great time discussing the characterisation in our class reading book, The Wizards of Once.


It was wonderful walking around the class, jumping into the deep conversations about the book that the children were having. They were fantastic at using the sentence stems to help them ask and answer questions. Well done, Kingfishers!

Week 2

We have had a very busy week this week. We have continued our learning on sound in our science lessons and investigated whether the length of string on a paper cup phone affected the volume of the sound heard at the other end.


We also had lots of fun in our P.E. lesson when we had to do lots of different balance challenges with our group.

Week 1

Welcome back!


We have had a brilliant first week in Kingfishers. We have started our new topic, a local history, and had fun using atlases to locate major cities in the UK. During science, we started our learning about sound. We loved experimenting with all the different instruments to investigate how they made sound.


Week 14

We loved reenacting the battle of Hastings this week. It was great fun learning about how the battle started and what it was like for each side.

Week 13

What a performance! The children in Kingfishers and Owls put on the most incredible shows of Rock Bottom. It was fantastic to see the confidence and enjoyment of the children during each performance. Well done kids! 

Week 12

We had transition day this week. The Year 4 chidren moved up into Owls' Class and had a fantastic day with Mrs Logan. The Year 3 children became honorary Year 4s for the day and were so welcoming to the Year 2s. We played lots of team games, including cup stacking (with elastic bands and string) and we created a piece of artwork showing what we are looking forward to next year.

Week 11​

We had the most amazing time on our Viking Adventure in Compton Verney. We started fires, made wattle and daub houses, made Viking Flatbread and learnt to write our names using Viking runes.


In the words of Donald, "This is the best day ever!"

Week 10

We've had a very sporty week this week, with Sports Day and our Skateboarding workshop. We loved learning how to skateboard and were fantastic at supporting and encouraging each other as we developed our skills.

Week 9

We had an  amazing time in our reading lessons this week. We watched a video about a Viking board games then read instructions and worked out how to play the Viking game of Hnefatafl. It was a lot of fun!


The children have all asked for the game and instructions to be put on our website, so they can play at home. The link is below the photos. 

Week 8

We have found out what parts we are in the end of year concert this week. We have started learning the songs and begun rehearsing. It's been a lot of fun! Remember to practise your lines and songs at home to help our rehearsals go smoothly.

Week 7

We had an amazing time playing each other's Times Table board games this week. The games were made by the children as part of their homework project for this half term. It was lovely to see each child present their game to their friends and explain how to play it. It is clear that a lot of effort has gone into making such fantastic games. Well done, Kingfishers!

Week 6

We had a wonderful time on the climbing wall this week. Lots of us conquered our fears and showed real resilience whilst trying to get to the top. Well done, Kingfishers!

Week 5

We have been learning about Anglo-Saxon Crime and Punishment in History this week. We found it fascinating to learn about the different corporal punishments and how a culprit's guilt was often determined by a trial by ordeal.

Week 4

In science this week, we have been learning all about the human skeleton. We learnt some of the scientific names of specific bones and had lots of fun creating our own dancing skeletons from art straws.

Week 3

We have started a new literacy unit this week and we have spent our last few literacy lessons deconstructing the model text and identifying its features. The model text is a set of instructions on how to attack an Anglo-Saxon Settlement. We had a great time acting out each of the instructions.

Week 2

This week in our Jigsaw lessons, we learnt about how to deal with conflicts between friends. We thought about taking time to calm down and reflect, before trying to compromise and resolve the problem.

Week 1

We have had a great first week of Summer Term. I have loved getting to know the children again and it's been amazing to see how much they have all learnt since I last taught them in Class 1!


We have started learning about our new topic, 'The Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Battle for England' and we have started our new core text for this term, 'The Nothing to see Here Hotel' by Steven Butler. It looks like a really funny book and we can't wait to find out what happens!

πŸŒΈπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž Summer πŸ˜Žβ˜€οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒΈ

Week 3

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. It's one of our favourite days of the year and we had lots of fun coming into school dressed as our favourite book characters. In the afternoon, we took part in a dance workshop with West End in Schools, where we brought the story of Pinocchio to life. It was so much fun! Next week, we are also being visited by author Ruth Quayle as part of our WBD celebrations and we can't wait!

Week 2

This week we continued looking at bridges in design and technology. We made prototypes and tested them for their strength and durability. We are currently in the process of researching, designing, making and evaluating bridges so watch this space for our final results!

Week 1

We have now started our new topic where we get to learn all about The Romans! We are loving it so far! This week, we had a look at who the Romans where and where they came from. We also started reading our new text "Romans on the Rampage" by Jeremy Strong - which we think is great! In Literacy, we are currently looking at poems and will be writing a poem of our own all about life as a Roman solider. We're really looking forward to finding out more as the term progresses.

πŸŒΌπŸ£πŸ€ Spring 2 πŸ€πŸ£πŸŒΌ

Week 5

What a great term we've had! It was only a short one but we got so much in during our 5 weeks. A highlight for us this week was our PSHE work. We have been working on the Jigsaw Dreams and Goals unit of work and we have been working as a team to design a garden for a group of people who have specific needs. We all had different roles in our teams and we did such a fantastic job. We enjoyed every second of the process!

Week 4

Look at our art work from this week! We have been completing the sculpture, structure, inventiveness and determination pathway in our lessons and this week we focused on drawing birds nests. We learned that art can express how we're feeling and it can be messy at times! We had lots of fun taking creative risks and experimenting with different medium.

Week 3

What a great week! We really enjoyed rounding it off with performing our class assembly on natural disasters to the school and our families on Friday. We had lots of lines (and even more technical vocabulary!) to deliver and we all did brilliantly. 

Week 2

This week we have been busy exploring different information texts. We have been unpicking them and identifying which features are included within them in preparation for writing our own all about volcanoes! We have been enjoying exploring a non-fiction text in Literacy and we can't wait to get researching and writing to show our readers everything we have learned in our topic!

Week 1

We had a great first week back at school! Take a look at our curriculum page to find out what we're going to be getting up to this half term.

We really enjoyed the first of this year's swimming lessons on Wednesday and we're looking forward to making lots of progress in the pool over the coming weeks.

🌸🐰🌿 Spring 1 πŸŒΏπŸ°πŸŒΈ

Week 6

What a fantastically festive final week! We're certainly ready for a rest after such an exciting half term. 

We hope you all have a very merry Christmas and we'll be back, raring and ready to go in 2024!

Week 5

We have been in the kitchen for our DT unit this half term! As part of our learning around cooking and nutrition, we had a go at creating an Iron Age bannock. Take a look at the process and our results...

Week 4

In Literacy this week we have been writing character descriptions on The Iron Man and we have created wanted posters full of exciting vocabulary to describe the metal monstrosity! Our work is filled with nifty noun phrases, awesome alliterative sentences and superb similes. We're so proud of what we've achieved!

Week 3

In Science we set up an investigation to test the impact of friction. This was the first of our observational tests for our "Forces and Magnets" unit. We made some great predictions but some of the results surprised us a little! Take a look at how we got on...

Week 2

This week we performed our class assembly in front of the whole school and our adults from home. It was all about two children who fell into the pages of a book and were transported to... The Stone Age! We all worked so hard with remembering our lines, actions and songs and we were brilliant! We're so proud of ourselves. 

Week 1

What a great first week back at school! We have spent our time beginning all of our new topics for this half term and focusing on Anti-Bullying Week.

On Friday, we also marked BBC's Children in Need by coming into school in our pyjamas. To raise money for this cause we were set the challenge of completing 1000 "bearpees" as a class. We absolutely smashed this and ended the week with a grand total of 11,010! 

πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŒŸ Autumn 2 πŸŒŸπŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„

Week 6

We kicked off our week with a sports hall athletics session and it was so much fun! We took part in all sorts of different activities including a speed bounce, chest push and javelin throwing to name but a few. We were all brilliant and we were set the challenge to keep practising to improve our skills and our PBs for next time! 

Week 5

We were fully immersed into the Stone Age during our Now Press Play session this week. It's always one of our favourite activities and we loved finding out more about our topic through this experience. Take a look...

Week 4

Yet another busy week for the Kingfishers! We took part in our first spelling relay of the year this week. It's a great activity to help us practise our spellings, build on our teamwork skills, keep us fit and active and most importantly, it's a lot of fun! Ask us all about it when we get home.

Week 3

We are currently LOVING our new class book The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley. We have been reading it during our guided reading sessions and we are hooked. We've still got so many chapters to get through but we are loving the story so far and we've been doing brilliantly at building our reading skills along the way!

Week 2

This week we've been partitioning 3 and 4 digit numbers in Maths, adding apostrophes for contraction and possession in Literacy, finding rocks in our local area in Science, working with charcoal in Art and taking part in lots of fun lessons throughout the curriculum. What a week!

Week 1

We've had a great first week back at school! We've been busy getting into routines, learning all about our brand new topics and producing some excellent independent work! It's been such a hot first week back at school but we've all done a brilliant job at settling back in and we've all made Mrs Wynne very proud.

βœ¨πŸŽƒπŸ‚ Autumn 1 πŸ‚πŸŽƒβœ¨