We would like to invite our parents/carers to a meeting on Monday 4th July at 7pm to discuss future plans for The Priors School.
The governors and I have conducted a thorough review of a number of MATs in our local area to ascertain which has the best fit for us. We have decided that we would like to begin the process of due diligence with The Warriner Multi-Academy Trust and we are very excited about this possibility.
The meeting will primarily be an opportunity for you to hear about our plans and the future benefits for the school, as well as clarify any questions that you may have. The CEO of The Warriner MAT, Dr Annabel Kay, will also be in attendance and is looking forward to meeting you all.
More information about The Warriner MAT can be found here:
You can find the answers to some frequently asked questions here:
If you have any specific questions that are not answered within the FAQ section, please email them to us at finance@thepriorsschool.co.uk by Friday 24th June, so we can ensure we are able to give you complete answers and information on the evening.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th July.
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