National Dyslexia Action Week starts on Monday 3rd November.
Dyslexia Matters
- To the 1 in 10 people in the UK affected by Dyslexia.
- Because with Early Intervention and the right support, people with Dyslexia can reach their full potential.
- At school and at work, making the environment Dyslexia friendly can benefit all.
Dyslexia Action in Coventry are offering the following activities that parents can access directly:
- Coffee mornings will be held on Thursday 20th November and 27th November between 9.00- 11.00am. Come along armed with questions and there will be specialist Teachers available to advise you on a variety of topics. No bookings are necessary.
- Throughout November and December we are offering assessment packages (reading/ spelling/consultation) for £10.Each assessment will be carried out by a specialist teacher and a full consultation will be included.
- Discounted Prices on Full Diagnostic Assessments throughout November/ December for £320. All other assessments have a 20% discount.
- Workshops aimed at practical ways to support your child will be held In December.
For further enquiries ring 0300 303 8351 or 02476 257041 to book
Or e mail: