Thank you to the nineteen parents who responded to our consultation about holding parents evening’s face to face or virtually. From the responses received, it is clear that there is a demand for us to run both of these options.
We have decided to offer:
There are 15 slots per class available for each of these days and will be allocated on a strictly first-come-first-serve basis, so please book your slots as soon as you receive the invite to book through our online booking system.
Primary Site have scheduled the invite to be sent at 5pm this evening and you will need to follow the instuctions in your email. Please check your spam box if you have not received the email as it will not come from a school email address.
Once you have booked your slot, you will receive a confirmation email from Primary Site and you will receive a reminder closer to the time. You will not have your slot confirmed by the school, so please make a note of your date and time.
If you have selected a virtual meeting, you will be sent a Teams link at the end of next week.
Please do not hesitate to contact to us if you have any queries.
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