Week 13
We have had such a lovely week. On Monday, we went to watch The Smeds and the Smoods. On Tuesday, we had our dress rehearsal for the school. On Wednesday, we performed our play for all the parents. We also made our Christmas cards and baubles, we hope you all like them. On Thursday, we met Santa! Finally, on Friday, we went to church and enjoyed a lovely day full of Christmas festivities.
I am so proud of how hard you have all worked this term. You all made me so proud watching you perform your play on Wednesday. I hope you all have the most fabulous Christmas, and I’ll see you all in the new year.
Merry Christmas Starlings!
Week 12
This week, we moved on to the topic of shape in Maths. We have been learning all about 2D shapes and how to count vertices, sides, and also spot shapes with lines of symmetry. Additionally, we created our symmetrical snowflakes.
We have also been making props for our Christmas play. We cannot wait to show you all next Wednesday.
Week 11
This week, we are fully embracing the Christmas spirit. On Wednesday, we created Christmas decorations and decorated the tree at the front of school with them. On Friday we also completed our Santa dash.
In Design and Technology (DT), we constructed a drawbridge capable of supporting a weight. A drawbridge would have had to be sturdy because many animals, people, carts, and various other items would have crossed over it to enter a castle. A drawbridge also served as a vital layer of protection for the castle door against potential invaders.
Week 10
Our class project castle museum.
This week, after a lot of anticipation and research, we made our boats. We used an egg box for structure and a plastic bag to make our boats waterproof. In science, we have been doing lots of investigating and planning to create the best boats. As a class, we decided that plastic was the best material for making a boat waterproof.
Our key text this term is George’s Marvellous Medicine. This week, we worked in pairs to create a short drama piece to showcase our interpretations of how Grandma might behave when given the medicine by George. We considered how Grandma has been depicted so far in the story and used this to help us determine how she might react.
Week 9
Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half-term.
This week, we had firefighters come to see us. We learnt all about what they do in our local community to keep us safe and what we should do in the event of a fire.
This week was Anti-Bullying Week, and Remembrance Day. Mr Emms delivered a lovely Remembrance Day assembly. The Kingfishers also delivered a fantastic assembly all about anti-bullying. In class, we have been discussing what bullying looks like, how it can make you feel, and what we should do if we see someone being bullied or are being bullied ourselves.
We have also started our new core text this week, 'George's Marvellous Medicine,' and have begun to explore the character of Grandma.
Finally, on Friday, we had Red Nose Day. We all got to wear pyjamas, and the cakes you all brought in looked delicious. Thank you for all the contributions.
Week 8
This week, we have completed our recount of our adventure around school to find Topsy. I have been blown away by how hard everyone has worked this term in English and how much progress we have already made.
In Topic this week, we compared the Colosseum and Hadrian's Wall. Although both were built by the Romans, they were constructed for different purposes. The Colosseum was built for entertainment, whereas Hadrian's Wall was built for defence.
We have had such an amazing first half term and I am so proud of you all. I hope you all have a lovely and well rested half term.
Week 7
This term in PE we have been focusing ball skills. This week we Starling class learnt how to dribble with a ball. We even learnt how to travel while we dribble.
In topic we have continued with our learning and this week we complete a quiz to see how much we have learnt so far.
Week 6
This week in science, we have been exploring the best materials we can use to make a boat that we will be constructing next week. We have discussed which materials are absorbent and whether an absorbent material would be suitable for making a boat. We really enjoyed testing our predictions about whether the materials would float or not.
In topic this week, we have been looking at many different important ancient buildings, such as El Castillo, the Pyramids of Giza, and Stonehenge. We have created a fact file on these key monuments and explored why they were built, as well as what they are used for today. To conclude the lesson, the children even had a go at making their own Stonehenge and pyramid.
Week 5
This week, we have continued with our recount of our adventure with Topsy. In Maths, we have started our new focus on addition and subtraction. We have explored many different ways of partitioning a number and the number bonds to 20. We also practised using a number line to add numbers. I was blown away by all the numbers you were able to add together!
Week 4
We had a very eventful week! Topsy came and wreaked havoc in our classroom.
In English, we are writing about how Topsy sent us on an adventure around the school to find him. When we returned from break, we discovered that our classroom had been ransacked, and Topsy had left us a note to help us find him. We followed all of his clues around the school before we finally found him in the hall. We can't wait for you to read all about that crazy day and everything we had to do to find him.
Week 3
This week we finish our dragon description in Literacy and have started our 'How to look after a dragon' instructions.
In guided reading we continued our book 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons' by Andy Shepherd. There are lots of interesting and new vocabulary in this book and we have really enjoyed so many new words. In guided reading we also spend a few days looking at the book 'Dragon Post' by Emma Yarlett. We have loved exploring this book especially all the postcards and letters inside.
Week 2
This week, we have continued with our topics and further explored the characteristics of dragons and different types of buildings.
Earlier this week, we sent out phonics packs to all Year One students. These were placed in their folders, and I hope you find them helpful. All logins have also been provided at the back of your 'fish books'.
Week 1
We have had a fantastic week. It has been so lovely getting to know all the new Starlings. This week we started out English topic which is all about dragons and our topic lessons all about castles.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Year 1 welcome talk, it was lovely to see you all.
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