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Week 36

This week we have had a busy week as always. 

The much-anticipated Great Fire of Priors Marston took place this week. It was a lot of fun. It was incredible to see all of your Tudor houses burning. You all did an amazing job constructing your houses.


Week 35

This week, we finished writing our London fact file. We had great fun learning all about the amazing things you can do in London.

This week we also created some Great Fire of London artwork. The children used different materials like sponges and their fingers to depict a smoky scene of London.

Week 34

This week, we had a brilliant time on our school trip, skateboard workshop and sports day.

The children loved the skateboard workshop. It was fantastic to see them all supporting one another and giving it a go. 

The trip on Thursday was amazing! The children loved seeing real artefacts and copies from The Great Fire of Northampton. We all had fun playing out the events of the fire in a play. The highlight was definitely making our own fire marks to take home. We also explored the museum and saw some fantastic shoes!

I have attached some photos bellow, there also some photos from the day on The Priors facebook page. 

Week 34

This week we had our class assembly. The children have been working so hard to learn all of there lines and you all did so well. You should be so proud of yourself! 

Week 33

This week has been really full-on for us as we have had both our phonics screening check and our Year 2 assessments. Despite this Starlings have performed amazingly, and I am extremely proud of them all.

In addition to the assessments, this week has been our art week. We have been creating some fabulous art pieces inspired by music, drawing from various sounds and songs. It has been great fun to produce our own drawings and experiment with different art forms such as paint, chalk, oils, and graphite pencils.

Week 32

Welcome back. I hope you all had a lovely half term. 

This term we are carrying on with our topic of The Great Fire of London. In English we are starting writing a story all about a girl who lives in Big Ben. In Maths the year 2 class have just finished of our topic of time and the year 1 class have just started position and direction. 

Week 31

This week we finished off our diary's, they were great fun to write and the children really enjoyed learning lots of new vocabulary to put within their diary's. 


You have all worked so hard this term and I hope you all enjoy a well deserved rest. 

Week 30

This week we had a climbing wall in school! It was so amazing seeing you all have such fun and push yourselves to try something new and scary. 


In English this week we have started a new writing piece. We are writing a diary entry as if we were in The Great Fire of London. In maths we have also started a new topic. In year 1 our new topic is Fractions and year 2 we are on Time. 

Week 29

Our butterflies emerged! We had a lovely start to the week as on Tuesday our butterflies emerged from their chrysalises. They were all very beautiful. We set them free into the woodland area. It was amazing to see them all fly out of their enclosure.


This week in English, we also had the opportunity to meet Goldilocks and ask her lots of questions. Our Goldilocks was fantastic, and she answered all of our questions wonderfully. Thank you ever so much, Goldilocks; we thoroughly enjoyed having you in our class.


Week 28

This week, we have been looking at artefacts from the time of the Great Fire of London. We have examined these artefacts to see what they can tell us about the fire. Among these artefacts, there was a diary entry from Samuel Pepys, a London Gazette from the time of the fire, a painting of the fire, a picture of the firefighters' equipment, and much more. We had a great time exploring all of these and discussing what they might tell us about The Great Fire of London.


In our reading lesson, we revisited Samuel Pepys' diary and identified some new and challenging words to enhance our understanding of his diary at a deeper level. Additionally, we explored some stories based on The Great Fire of London; however, our main focus was primarily on recounting and retelling these stories.


This week, our caterpillars turned into chrysalises. We moved them into our butterfly enclosure, ready to emerge as butterflies.

Week 28

This week, we have commenced a new maths topic. Year one is focusing on multiplication and division, whereas year two is delving into fractions.


In RE this term, our focus is on exploring different faiths. Our recent session involved exploring the inside of a Synagogue. We engaged in discussions about the practices within a Synagogue and how individuals demonstrate respect towards the faith, regardless of their religious background. 


Week 27

This week, we have started our Goldilocks wanted poster for Goldilocks. We have looked at a range of literary features we could add to our posters, such as questions and exclamations, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrases, and more.

Our caterpillars have grown so big! Did you know caterpillars grow more than 10 times their size? They will also shed their exoskeleton five times before they become a chrysalis.

Week 26

This week had a great time finding some landmarks in London. We used a map to look at the city and we learnt how to use Google Maps to find the landmarks.

In English we have just finished off our descriptive piece of writing all about the mischievous Goldilocks. 

We have also just finished our maths topic of length and height and we will be moving onto our next topic next week of mass, capacity and temperature. 

Week 25

Welcome back I hope you all had a lovely break. 

This term we have a very special class pet. We are growing Butterfly's! This week we gave our Caterpillar a home within our classroom and we can not wait to watch them grow. 

This term our topic is The Great Fire of London! To start the topic off we learnt all about how the fire started and the great devastation in coursed. 

week 24

This week we have a very exiting visitor to the school. The author Ruth Quayle came and deliver a story telling workshop and it was great fun. She gave the children some creative tips and we even made our own story all about a rocket ship. 

Author visit

Week 23

This week was Quiz Week, and you have all worked so hard. I am so impressed with you all. It was World Book Day on Thursday, and you all looked fabulous. On Thursday, we also had a dance workshop where we brought to life the story of Pinocchio. Below is a video of our final performance.

World Book Day dance

Still image for this video

Week 22

We had an eventful week at school. To kick off the week, we had a PE day where the children had the opportunity to try out various new games. The Year 5 class also came to support the Starlings. It was a lot of fun!

On Friday, we had our class assembly. Over the past two weeks, we have been working diligently to assemble our performance and write our story, 'The Caterpillar Shoes.' We hope that you enjoyed it.



Week 21


I hope you all had a lovely half-term break. This term, we are continuing our exploration of 'Word Changes through history' this time delving into the world of animals and the fascinating life cycle of butterflies. We are excited to share all about it during our class assembly next week.


Week 20

It was delightful to see everyone's projects this week and to hear about how you each created your project and the reasons behind choosing your particular place. Every project was amazing, and it's evident how much effort you all put into them.

I wish you all a wonderful half-term break and a well-deserved rest.

Week 19

This week, we had some very exciting visitors. On Tuesday, firefighters visited us to teach us about fire safety. The children had a wonderful afternoon and even had the opportunity to try on their uniforms.

Fire fighters visit

Week 18 

This week, we have started a new topic in Maths. Year 1 has now moved on to addition and subtraction, and Year 2 to multiplication and division. So far, the children are enjoying this new topic and working very hard

Week 17

This week, we have continued with our topic 'World changes through history'. In art, we have been exploring expressive painting, and the children have created some wonderful paintings. In our topic lessons, we have been learning about key women in medicine. These remarkable women include Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Rosalind Franklin, and Dr Sarah Gilbert.

Week 16

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. 

This week, we commenced our new topic 'Our World Changing Through History'. In our initial lessons, we delved into the classification of rainforest animals alongside notable female nurses and doctors. Furthermore, we have initiated investigations using various instruments to recreate dinosaur sounds. In Mathematics, we have embarked on the topic of money, while in English, we have been immersing ourselves in the text of the book 'Dear Earth'. Over the upcoming weeks, our focus will be on composing a letter to the Earth.

Week 15

This week, we performed our Christmas play, and it was fantastic! I am so proud of you all.

We have had a fun week packed with lots of Christmas activities. We made decorations for the classroom, created Christmas cards for our families and some to send to a local Care Home, Bromson Hill. Santa even visited us in class!

Wishing you all a lovely Christmas!

Week 14

This week we had did our Rhino fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who made a poster and bought something from our tuck shop. All money has been donated to help the rhinos. 

This week we have continued with our Topic of animals, shape in Maths and this week in English we have been writing our own story's based on 'The Snowman'. 

Week 12 

This week the Christmas play practice is in full swing. We have also decorated and put up our decorations on the school tree on the school playground. We hope you like them! 


This week we have decided that we would like to help save the rhinos. Starling class have come up with the idea to hold a 'Save the rhinos' tuck shop where all the money made will go towards saving the rhinos (this has been recorded in the children's JASS books).

Week 11

This week in maths we have moved onto shape. We have been exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and experimenting to make our own shapes. In our other curriculum areas we have continued our research into rhinos. This week we have found out some very sad facts about rhinos so we made our own fact files to educate others and share our research in the aim to help protect them. 

Week 10

This week we have continued our research on animals and have drawn animal skin and have made some lovely pictures, they are hung up on our display. We also did our first set of PUMAS this week and have got some fabulous results. Well done everyone!

We are also starting our JASS this week, I hope you all got the email. We will be completing all sections in school however, we will only be doing 2 hours of me and my world in school and it would be great if you could do the remaining hour/ hours at home. We will be sharing our JASS books next term and we would love it if you could record any other activitiess that you get up to to share to the class. We are all so exited to hear all about your adventures. 

Week 9

This week we got to hear about all the exciting things the Starling class got up to over half term. We have also just started our new topic, Animals. Our main focus of this week has been Rhinos as at the end of this term we will be writing our own fact file all about Rhinos. In English this week we have started to explore different types of fact files and we did some of our own research on Rhinos. On Friday we even got the chance to talk to a Zoo Keeper to find out even more about Rhinos! 

Did you know that Rhinoceros means nose horn!

Week 8 

This week we did lots of fun crafts. We did some painting phonics, drawing and we even made our Christmas cards. We hope you liked them! We have no spelling for over half term, we will resume them after the first week back. I hope you all have a lovely half term and a well deserved rest. 

Week 7

This week we have had a lot of fun. We went to Church for Harvest and we had a sports morning where we focused on our Athletics skills. It was super fun! In topic we made a map of our school and using our amazing map skills we were able to find Dotty. Well done everyone!

Week 6

This week we did a big write on the Bog Baby and what he would do if he came into our classroom. The Bog baby got up to lots of naughty things, but lucky we had lots of heroes to save the day. Well done everyone!

Week 5

This week we had so much fun! In RE we made a short play based on some of the story in the Quran. In PE we made an obstacle course focused on our jumping skills. However, we all agreed that the very best part of our week was making our very own Coats of Arms. 

Week 4

Wow what a week! We have had lots of trips to Penny for such amazing work. This week we have planned our coat of arms design we will be making next week, learnt about celebrations in different religions and we have continued our guided reading the The Owl who was afraid of the dark. 

Week 3 

The children have really settled in this week. We have played lots of games, learnt about natural and man-made objects in Topic and even spotted lots of man-made and natural features within our school. Well done everyone!

Week 2

This week we have been experimenting with different numbers in maths, continuing our adventure with The Bog baby in English and we even learnt about a new religion! What an exiting week!

Week 1

 In English this week we have started to explore how we can use adjectives to describe ourselves. In DT we have started to looked at coats of arms and discussed the significance of the different colours, shapes and animals along with what we would put on our own coat of arms. We finished of the lesson by making a colarge of all the children’s favourite coats of arms to use for inspiration and reference in following lessons.