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Welcome Information

Welcome back to another busy term in Robin Class.
We are so very proud of all of the children and the progress that they are all making across all areas of the curriculum. 


Our topic this term is 'Looking beyond' - We will be starting our learning journey by exploring the season of summer and how daylight is longer during the summer months. We will then move onto looking beyond to space, learning about the planets, stars, constellations, space travel and our planet Earth. The last 2 weeks of the term will be centred on how we can care for our planet and all of the life that live on planet Earth.


Our Maths sessions follow the White Rose Maths programmes of study. 


We use Tapestry, an online observation tool to upload observations of your child's learning, for you to see at home. This is a great way to see what your Robin has been learning at school.


We have Forest School on a Thursday morning We aim to go outside in all weathers, so please could you ensure that your little Robin has their wellies in school. We provide the children with a set of waterproof clothes for when the weather becomes wetter and the Forest School area is muddy.

PE will be on a Friday with Mrs. Parker.


We are really looking forward to this term and working with you all.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to catch me on the playground before or after school, via your child's home school book or by speaking with another member of the Robin Class Team.