We are looking forward to working with you all over the coming year.
Our school website is the main source of key information that you will need to know.
Our topics through the year follow the Warriner MAT planning. The information about each topic will be on our webpage for you to explore.
Our Maths sessions follow the White Rose Maths programmes of study.
We use Tapestry, an online observation tool to upload observations of your child's learning, for you to see at home. This is a great way to see what your Robin has been learning at school. Please let us know if there have been any changes to your email address, so you can keep up to date with the learning that your little Robin has been doing in school.
We have Forest School on a Monday afternoon. Forest School sessions will alternate between Preschool & Reception. We aim to go outside in all weathers, so please could you ensure that your little Robin has their wellies in school.
We will provide the children with a set of waterproof clothes for when the weather becomes wetter and the Forest School area is muddy.
We also have PE on a Monday afternoon. If your child is in Reception, please ensure that they have their PE kit in school.
Your child will need to bring their learning folder and home school book to school everyday, so we can communicate with you any important information that you need to know. Please feel free to let us know about any key information in the home school book that we need to know.
We are all here to help, so please don't hesitate to catch us on the playground before or after school, via your child's home school book or by speaking with the Robin Class Team.
The Robin Class Team
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